May 2024 Tech Update

By: Geeq  on Jun 15, 2024

Here are the highlights for May’s development work.

Version 5.4

  • Dev milestone – v5.4 was released after testing with the updated and apps. The new private instance is running and accessible for the community to use and view through the two apps. Please remember to submit bug reports through the service desk.
  • V5.4 contains all NFT refinements, as described in previous tech updates:
    – expansion of metadata to a maximum of 255 fields for flexible use cases,
    append-only NFTs for an owner to add notes to an existing NFT’s description over time, and
    counterparty NFTs for requiring cryptographic signatures of both sender and receiver before a NFT is transferred on-chain.
  • Internal test tools were updated.
  • The team fixed some memory leak issues.
  • The team worked on the mobile version of the coffee supply chain 2-in-1 demo.
  • The next step is to build an app for Geeq’s Stackable NFTs.

Version 5.5

  • Work to implement multi-chains began. While each chain has the same standard features and runs the same protocol, each also keeps track of its own active network and may be initiated with different parameters in the genesis block, such as block interval.

Thank you for reading! To learn more about Geeq’s secure protocol, no-smart contract NFTs, and more, please head over to the Explainers page. Thank you very much for your support.

– The Geeq Team

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