Geeq’s Limitless Ecosystem

By: Geeq  on May 22, 2021

Welcome to the exciting and inevitable new world of decentralized technology. Geeq is designed for you. Geeq’s technology is the next step in connecting the world through secure protocols and, most importantly, returning the choices of how you interact with applications and payment technologies back to you.

The Geeq platform is an open-source platform that makes it possible for applications to exchange services, access data, and share information directly, without going through a data intermediary. Geeq is a new network of networks, and introduces protocols to form the technological backbone of a better economy. For everyone.

The value of networks and ecosystems (a refresher, because you already know this)

The first network of networks was the early internet, made possible by protocols we take for granted. HTTP, or HyperText Transfer Protocol, made it possible to transmit Webpages containing links, images, media, and formatted content, although these were not primarily interactive. File Transfer Protocols (FTP) and email (both developed earlier than HTTP), connected academics so they could send each other manuscripts and messages. In the beginning, networks were independent: ARPANET was for research and MILNET was for the military. To link networks – that is, to make a network of networks – the protocols of TCP/IP were developed. TCP stands for Transfer Control Protocol and IP is Internet Protocol.

The idea of TCP/IP was to set up a common protocol to link networks, but to be agnostic about how these networks behaved internally. Gateways would stand in front of smaller networks and communicate with the broader world. When receiving messages, these gateways would check for errors, request retransmissions if needed, and finally send them on over the interior network in whatever format or protocol was required (and reverse the process when sending messages). The broader network and its protocols were not directly visible to the interior network. Interior networks could behave in any way they wished and only had to communicate with their own local gateway.

Geeq Founder, John P. Conley

Those of us with connectivity to the internet cannot imagine our lives without it. The ability to transmit information opened a new era of digital technology which changed society – a process that is still occurring in parts of the world.

Without going into too much detail, the network effects and technological achievements of the generation that followed, Web 2.0, are everywhere. The original network of networks evolved to host interactive pages and public spaces so attractive that people gave up private information to the companies that became data intermediaries. As participation grew, companies were able to build profiles and track the breadcrumbs of your digital footprint through cookies and trackers, and monetized this information.

In the meantime, encryption, hashes, and public-private keys ( all integral components of blockchain) were used to provide greater security for internet traffic. The HTTPS protocol (which is enabled when the lock appears in front of the web address) facilitated e-commerce. Again, the economy grew and our worlds expanded as the digital ecosystem built further on a foundation called the Web of Trust.

Payments for Web 2.0 are processed by financial intermediaries such as credit cards, banks, and digital payment platforms. By construction, in order to provide convenient ways to transact cash, these companies sit between you, your online purchases, and the seller. Again, they are able to collect and see volumes of your data and share them with their commercial partners. The downsides of building an economy on Web 2.0 have included the introduction of surveillance capitalism, a cycle of rewarding companies that consolidate power in the marketplace, and a dependency on these companies to keep our data safe.

Finally, all the incentives from Web 2.0 encourage concentration; companies do better when they are able to capture consumers. Some of the largest networks choose to control what consumers see and which producers are allowed to access them. When so much of a network’s internal domain is controlled or dominated by a gatekeeper, they are able to ask individuals to give up freedom, choice, the ability to negotiate or hold anyone accountable. How many times have you checked the box where you agree to settle disagreements through arbitration, which always favors a company and its lawyers? Their advantage is not merely their size. It is their ability to control the data they have and keep it from you. The prohibitive costs every individual faces, in some aspect of their lives, to discover facts that could help them is sand in the gears of our markets and our personal lives.

These are problems we are now able to address. It is why Geeq has built a new ecosystem. One that refocuses on individual security, access, choice and peace of mind. One that puts new technologies to work so businesses can concentrate on making their businesses thrive by concentrating on their own strengths, rather than work around technologies that give them security and management headaches. Geeq has developed protocols that improve market efficiency by providing better communication, more orderly messaging, and dependable, distributed, and secure databases. We are committed to building and improving an infrastructure that brings people together to ensure mutual accountability, rather than reinforce the march toward asymmetric market power. Geeq is the technological backbone of this new and better economy.

The Geeq Difference

Geeq’s network of networks combines the elements of blockchain databases with its own innovative protocols to provide a platform to interact, share, and transact securely – where participation is voluntary, databases are decentralized, marketplaces are open, and payments do not require intermediaries.

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

Vincent Van Gogh

What Geeq has invented is the technology to power this new platform. It is an ecosystem for anyone who values honesty and individual responsibility. If that is you, then you are a Geeq. The beauty of this economy is that all it asks is for individuals to make small, ordinary, and independent choices that respect those values in themselves and look for it in others. With that, we change the way business is done and the trajectory of the future.

Welcome to Geeq.