August 2023 Tech Round-Up

By: Geeq  on Sep 11, 2023

  • Progress made on listening nodes 
  • Development testing of NFT transactions completed
  • Rust programming language integration

We are making good headway on some central elements that will contribute to the security and usability of Geeq chains, as well as incorporating the Rust programming language into Geeq’s core ecosystem. 

Listening nodes 

The ongoing development of listening nodes continues to be a priority for us. As the name suggests, “listening nodes” do not actively participate in the network by receiving and processing new transactions from users, but they still perform an important function in auditing network actors.

Geeq provides flexibility for operators in how they establish listening nodes. While some can maintain a complete view of the ledger since the genesis block, others may begin monitoring the network at a specific point in time at which they believe it to be accurate. 

Remember that the Geeq difference rests on the ability of every node to prove the correct state of the ledger independently, based on its own audit. Listening nodes are a resource-efficient way to further expand the auditing power of the network. In addition, they open up a path for independent bodies, such as regulators or industry associations, to gain insight into a chain. 

You can read more about the many enterprise use cases for listening nodes here.

NFT transactions 

We have hit another milestone with our smart contract-free NFT offering (learn more here) – completing development testing of the burn and transfer transactions, as well as the ability to update attached metadata. All this functionality has been combed for bugs and is ready for the quality assurance team. During QA, the code will be robustly tested in conditions that closely simulate the production environment, ensuring that it will perform as expected when integrated into the wider codebase of the network. 

Rust integration 

We are including Rust as part of the core Geeq ecosystem. Rust’s strengths make it particularly well suited to blockchain development, and very popular within our industry. 

What makes it such a great choice? Rust is known for fast performance, safety, security, memory management and scalability. On top of all that, it is highly resource-efficient. You can see why all of this is a great match for Geeq chains. 

Rust can handle concurrency, or running multiple computations in parallel, which is crucial to a decentralized network. It can comfortably handle large volumes of data without compromising performance (ensuring fast transaction processing), and offers high interoperability (supporting seamless connection with other blockchain systems and libraries, for instance). Finally, Rust is easy to maintain in the long-term, helping to reduce bugs. 


As we close in on full NFT functionality, we are excited to start testing the network with a partner very soon. Upgrading to Rust is a valuable step that will help Geeq to achieve faster development times as well as enhanced performance. Thanks for reading and stay tuned to hear more on our progress next month. 

We hope you enjoyed reading and, as always, thank you for your support!

– The Geeq Team

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