How does Metadata help with Visibility? Will I lose my Privacy?

By: Geeq  on May 1, 2022

Like labels on file folders, notes on memos, subject headings in emails, variable names and definitions in databases, metadata are used to describe the data you are certifying.

The Geeq Data app provides space for you to add metadata to describe the hash digest of your document. Together, the hash digest and metadata make up what is called the “data payload” of your transaction. When your transaction is validated and included in a block in the app’s Validation Layer Blockchain (VLB), the data payload is written in the corresponding block in the app’s Application Layer Blockchain (ALB).

In summary, applications powered by Geeq are supported by two parallel, simultaneously constructed Geeq chains.

Anyone with permission to use the Block Explorer will be able to search the blockchain. Metadata can make these searches easier.

For the private instance of Geeq Data, released for public testing, the first metadata field was required and the rest are optional. Metadata are entered as strings of characters in the Geeq Data app. Unlike the hash of the document, which never overtly reveals its contents, the metadata will be displayed in the Block Explorer as they were entered in the Geeq Data app.

If the user writes the metadata in cleartext, it will be displayed clearly in the Block Explorer to anyone who finds it. If the user encrypts the metadata, the encrypted metadata still will be visible – however, the only users who will understand what they mean will be those who know how to decrypt them.

The general point of being able to choose how and when to use encryption, even while blockchain tends to make transactions more transparent and visible, is often misunderstood by those who might be afraid of the word “transparency”. Actually, we have many options at our disposal, in this process of developing Geeq’s blockchain applications.

Another way to add privacy is to add permissioning structures that determine who is allowed to send transactions and who is allowed to access the Block Explorer. Geeq offers permissioning structures for its enterprise clients. Partner with us!