Durable Proof of Inclusion

What does Durable Proof of Inclusion mean?
Everything you need to prove your transaction was included in a block.
Main idea:
A Geeq node validates transactions before writing its block(s) and updating its ledger(s). A user can demand a proof of a transaction’s inclusion in the block or of an update in a ledger.
It is durable because an honest node will provide the same proof for that transaction no matter when you ask for it. Geeq’s edge security identifies whether the node is honest or not.
The Components of a Durable Proof of Inclusion
- A Merkle proof of inclusion of a transaction in a block.
- A proof of the transaction’s validity (or invalidity).
- The full content of the transaction.
Works with Geeq’s Own Chain Hash Proofs:
Geeq uses a parsimonious chain hash proof method to demonstrate the ancestry of sequences of validation layer block Merkle roots.
Efficiencies at Geeq:
No block or ledger contents are required. Provability may be established without needing to provide access to the chain or any private data it contains, as long as the block Merkle roots have been published.
Used in a Sentence:
The durable proof of inclusion survives even if the chain instances disappear or become inaccessible, as long as the block Merkle roots have been published.
Last Updated: November 8, 2023
Read what Geeq has to say about Durable Proof of Inclusion...
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