By: Geeq on Mar 27, 2021
Dear Geeqs,
We are proud to present Geeq’s Testing Framework v0.1. This demonstration is ready for you to explore and see v0.1 of Proof of Honesty in action.

This first release constructs a test blockchain to process the transactions you generate as a user.
In this release, you will be able to:
- Initialize a blockchain with Geeq’s protocol, Proof of Honesty
- Send a transaction
- Follow that transaction via the event log
- See the raw messages for the GENESIS BLOCK, the Current Ledger State (CLS) at each node, and every Transaction Bundle and Block are available for inspection
- See dishonest nodes being ejected by the network
The first FAQ gives detailed instructions on how to use the demo along with information on everything you will see in the simulation and its place in the PoH network.
So please explore and enjoy our first framework release!
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Thank you, with excitement, from your Fellow Geeqs!
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