June 2024 Tech Update

By: Geeq  on Jul 17, 2024

Here are the highlights for June’s development work.

Version 5.5

  • The dev team continue to work in the following areas:
    – system account records
    – blockchain parameter records
    – network actor records
  • QA added more test cases for Stackable NFTs
  • Updates are underway to add Stackables to the block explorer
  • Front-end and back-end work continued for a Stackables app


The team continued to prepare for multiple public testnets as Geeq is a multi-chain platform. Every chain, public and private, runs the same incorruptible and reliable Layer 0 protocol (L0). These chains are replicated to scale.

Each chain is validated by its own network and certain parameters are specified in its genesis block (e.g. the number and type of metadata fields supported). To summarize, the use of the same L0 protocol is required for security while parameters may be customized for privacy, costs, and efficiency.

The existing validation framework was repurposed successfully for Stackable NFTs. A Stackable NFT differs from a one-time mint of a NFT in that minting the base layer of a stack allows the owner to add layers (and value) over time. Adding stacks has increased the time between block commits, likely because they are generating successively larger records in the Application Layer Ledger. QA is investigating the issue.

The requirements for the Stackables app were completed and the Block Explorer app is being updated with a new page to retrieve the data in a stack. The team has been working on the Stackables app and is looking forward to feedback from Community Ambassadors and VIP pass holders in August.

We hope you enjoyed reading and, as always, thank you for your support.

– The Geeq Team

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