by Geeq
Sep 14, 2022

Permissions to send transactions

Administrative users may extend or revoke permissions for users to send transactions to a private blockchain.

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by Geeq

Encryption upgrade

The dev team upgraded the encryption algorithm to Ed25519. Ed25519 is efficient which is important for blockchain performance where each chain is expected to process large volumes of transactions.

The exercise of upgrading the encryption had independent value. It demonstrated the code is being written such that changing the encryption algorithm leaves the logic of all the validation checks intact. Put another way, the protocol works regardless of the encryption algorithm used.

As envisioned in Geeq’s White Paper,

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by Geeq

Schema for merkle trees

Geeq’s standard merkle trees provide an efficient and novel way to encode a merkle path all the way to the transaction level in any node’s block. If a user has exact data on a transaction, it is straightforward to dive quickly into the Merkle trees.

The schema for the merkle trees was finalized for each transaction in the Validation Layer Block, the Validation Layer Ledger, the Application Layer Block, and the Application Layer Ledger.

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by Geeq

Compute merkle roots

The merkle roots for the Validation Layer Block (VLB), Validation Layer Ledger (VLL), and Application Layer Block (ALB or app block) were computed for Geeq’s Data app.

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by Geeq

Chain state view

Geeq’s protocol is different from other protocols because it is a leaderless protocol. At Geeq, each independent node receives the same set of transactions and builds its own block. Each individual node is responsible for following the validation protocol exactly.

The protocol requires each node to sign (attest) to a content statement that contains their own Chain State View, based on their own computed merkle roots. By protocol,

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by Geeq

Permissions: delete nodes

Private blockchain users may not wish to allow public or anonymous nodes in their chain’s validation network. Permissions were added to drop nodes from a network.

Geeq’s no-consensus protocol still holds each individual node accountable for following its strict validation criteria. In other words, Geeq’s private blockchain users are still protected, by protocol, from malicious individual nodes or from collusion of a group of nodes even if they do not delete such nodes.

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