Aug 13, 2020

Geeq : AMA (EN) with BitMax – RECAP

BitMax’s Global Head of Business Development, Shane Molidor hosted a joint AMA with Geeq. Here is the very long recap. Thank you to all involved!

Aug 10, 2020

Geeq : AMA (CH) with BitMax – RECAP

BitMax hosted two AMAS for the Geeqs last week! Here is the recap for the first, which took place CN AMA: 8/5 8AM EDT. Thanks to those who attended!

Aug 2, 2020

JUN Capital joins Geeq as Strategic Advisors

Geeq™ is pleased to announce that JUN Capital joins the Geeq family as strategic advisors.

Jun 2, 2020

Geeq CEO : Equity and Tokens are the Future

Geeq’s CEO Ric Asselstine is the experienced leader the tech world needs right now. Here, he talks with Kyle Chasse, CEO of Master Ventures.

Mar 14, 2020

Geeq Team Releases Tokenomics

At last! Geeq has published its long-awaited tokenomics.