by Geeq
Jul 26, 2021

How can I learn more about Geeq’s technology?

The Home Tab shows the back end of Geeq’s protocol. It’s the technical display for those who would like to take a look under the hood.

To get an overview of Geeq’s protocol, Proof of Honesty, and how it differs from other blockchain technologies, here is a short video.

The best way to understand all the details is to visit Geeq’s Testing Framework v0.1.

Both Home Tabs are configured in the same way and we have a lot of FAQs for you to read.

 » Read more about: How can I learn more about Geeq’s technology?  »

by Geeq

How will content creators benefit from Geeq Pay?

Geeq Pay provides an easy way for your readers, admirers, fans, viewers, purchasers and supporters to pay you directly in a few clicks.

Here are some of the benefits we can think of, and we’re sure you can think of more:

Imagine if you:

  • got a penny for every like you’ve ever received.
  • could create without having to please sponsors and advertisers.
  • were able to build a fanbase,

 » Read more about: How will content creators benefit from Geeq Pay?  »

by Geeq

How will Geeq’s micropayments scale?

Geeq’s micropayments technology is already optimized for efficiency and high throughput. For more technical details, please listen to this episode of Geeq talks.

Geeq is a multi-chain platform. That means if one micropayments chain is expected to near capacity, another can be deployed. And another. And another. And so on.

Each Geeq chain is validated by its own permissionless network of nodes, and fees are determined by the work that is done for that chain alone.

 » Read more about: How will Geeq’s micropayments scale?  »

by Geeq

What happens if I don’t spend my pennies?

In the Testing Framework, the browser forgets the code every time you refresh or close it – including your available balance of pennies. So you will have to start over.

In real life, every payment created through this application of Geeq’s bearer token technology will revert to your account if it has not been consumed on chain.

The account record is structured with a target time (more precisely, a future block).

 » Read more about: What happens if I don’t spend my pennies?  »

by Geeq

How many Geeq pennies may I buy?

Because Micropayments TF v0.2.2 is working in your browser, we put a limit of purchasing 500 Geeq pennies, which should be more than enough to get the idea.

We did this for practical reasons: we don’t know how you are using your browser and how much memory is allocated to one of your tabs. We don’t want you to think the code does not work efficiently when the real problem is you have 75 tabs open.

 » Read more about: How many Geeq pennies may I buy?  »

by Geeq

How and when do I purchase Geeq pennies?

If you have not installed the Go Micro extension from the Chrome store, please work through FAQ 1: How do I get Started?

Make sure the blockchain is running in the Home Tab – press START if you need to. In the real world, a chain should be running continuously.

To purchase pennies:

Click the green Go Micro icon in your task bar, at the top of your browser window.

 » Read more about: How and when do I purchase Geeq pennies?  »